University preparation amid Covid-19
As the start of a new academic year approaches, America would usually be getting ready to restart and prepare for the year ahead. Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus, it has been almost impossible to anticipate or plan ahead. University is something usually encompassing feelings of excitement and curiosity for new or returning students. Whilst regulations have been stipulated for students to start school, the prospect of starting university is not so black and white.
August saw the avid migration of some students to their campus dorms. Leaving behind dismal family members and the mundanity of everyday life to settle into a new one. Some alumni have implemented quick Covid-19 testing for those pupils before they enter their dorms whilst others are still giving the red flag for campus entry. Across America, each university is relying on their own decision to open their doors to eager students. Some universities are proposing online tuition services for students who are not readily available for open doors at this stage. Even the tuition being put in place for online students is proving difficult and doesn’t produce the same fluidity of on site learning. It is apparent that different strategies are put in place regarding starting university. Whether it is tests for students on campus, online tuition or restrictive rules for physical university presence, it is also apparent that there is a melange of feelings regarding this academic year.
At MD Covidsitters we recognise the challenges with starting university in these precarious times. We offer useful hints and tips for remote working whilst at university and have put together a fluid and practical formula to help persevere through this. We understand your faculty will be providing study plans for you, so we help you navigate through that. One of our tips includes orchestrating your university work in blocks; taking regular breaks after one lesson will exercise your brain and lessen strain. Equally, in order to assist with memory and recalling lesson plans, we recommend taking notes (perhaps on flashcards.) It will help with reviewing the lessons when revisiting later.
Ross University have established that maintaining connections and engaging in regular movement can help create joy whilst working at home. It is almost impossible to echo university life whilst at home, however it is possible to generate your own routine to help elevate lucidity and sanity. Rather than staying in your night wear in the luxurious sheets of your bed, it’s better to consider getting into new clothes and perhaps working in a different room, maybe at the kitchen table. This will help enable you to become more productive whilst working.
MDCS also provide online platforms with our highly experienced and enthusiastic volunteers who are there to hear you out. University environment usually encompasses a colourful social life, with the regulations on social distancing and online studying we understand this is a lot harder to attain. By speaking to our volunteers, it may help rust away those barriers. More information about these sessions are on our Creating Connections blog as well as our website.
For more information about the services we offer, check out our website at MD CovidSitters. We provide sessions from art classes to online tutoring. We are proud of our highly motivated team of volunteers, most of which are CPR certified.