Let’s Make a Donation!

We are accepting monetary gifts, PPE donations, and more!

Support our organization by donating to help communities affected by COVID-19

All monetary donations go toward the MD COVIDsitters project to provide resources for our volunteers, background checks, PPE drive, and organizational operations. Please contact us at info@mdcovidsitters.org for additional information.

Face shields made using 3D printer

Hospital grade face shields made using a 3D printer! Over 70 shields were designed and donated by Quinn Kubec, an Aerospace Engineer at the University of Maryland. Check out how they were made!

Supporting our resident doctors

Residents were so happy to be given some relief! They are all thankful for their face shields providing them with protection while caring for their patients.

Home Depot at Capitol Heights donates

Capitol Heights Home Depot donated professional grade respirators, goggles, and face shields!